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Will I still have control over how my taxes are being managed while they’re outsourced at a professional level?

The answer to whether you have control over how your taxes are managed while being outsourced is “Yes.”

Outsourcing tax preparation services to a tax preparer can bring a host of benefits, but you don’t lose control over how your tax return is processed, and can save more time. When you outsource, you’ll be able to set standard operating procedures, such as what documents should be reviewed, when to submit documents to the relevant authorities and what processing should take place for filing income tax return.

You’ll also have access to the tax software and be able to review any generated results before submission. By setting up this system, you can remain in control over how your taxes are handled.

It’s important to remember that you’ll need to ensure that you work with experienced and qualified tax professionals to maximize the outsourcing employee benefits. Check that the team you’re working with understands relevant tax regulations about sales tax, employment tax, payroll tax and has access to the technology.

Because you’re delegating responsibilities, be sure to document each step in the processes, so that you always know what happened at each stage.

Also, establish a system to ensure that there are checks and balances in place. Every step should be reviewed, and there should always be a single point of contact within the accounting firm to oversee the entire business process. This will ensure that your taxes are being handled correctly, and that nothing is overlooked in terms of tax compliance.

Here are some steps you can take to ensure you have control over your outsourced tax filing:

  1. When hiring a tax filing service, it is important to do thorough research. Be sure to confirm the provider is experienced in the field and will work with you to accurately and efficiently complete your taxes.
  2. Make sure you clearly understand both the service and the fees associated with outsourcing your taxes. That will help ensure you get the best value out of the process and you’re only charged for services that you use.
  3. Request an itemized list of services to ensure that you will receive all the services you need.
  4. Consider providing the filing service with a pre-determined set of instructions or rules for completing the filing for certain accounts.
  5. Monitor the process to ensure it’s being completed in a timely manner and create a timeline to stay on top of filing deadlines.
  6. Review the filing and confirm that it was completed up to your expectations before submitting it to the government.

Overall, outsourcing tax preparation can be beneficial to those with many clients or complex tax scenarios, while keeping control over how taxes are handled, allowing the firm to enjoy all the other benefits outsourcing can bring.
